Saturday, May 10, 2008


Well, you can tell that it's been a hard week.....tonight I threatened the kids that I was going to go to Fair Havens this myself...and leave them all at home to kill each other! Bicker, bicker, bicker...whine, whine, whine.....ENOUGH! It seems like the older they get...the younger they act.....,.now, I know about the frontal lobe falling off til they're all grown, but I have a feeling these kids will be in their thirties before I see an improvment! sigh.....This too shall pass, right?
Tomorrow is Mother's Day....I really don't like mother's ends up being a day that you hope goes well but something usually happens to make it not go well. I know, I's all in the least three of my sons wont be here.....the oldest is always here....the other two really don't participate...but the oldest one usually does so it's especially disappointing that he wont be will be nice because Leslie will have her new baby babies always cheer you, I WILL enjoy mom is still with us, so I can still wish her a Happy Mother's Day, and that will be a good Martha would say!

1 comment:

Ronalee said...

I hear ya.. Mothers Days.. and MY birthday.. guaranteed to stink!!!
I am sure because I then to dream of what my "ideal" is... like the commercials .... but it never happens... there is always at least one kid that is miserable.. and it is always stressful... I wish we didn't even have it...
BUT I hear you on going alone to FH....
I can NOT wait... I am sorta (insanely) hope it rains .. then Shawn would stay home with the 2 smaller kids.. while I take 2 of the bigger kids to work for the weekend.. then I would be ALONE!!!!
After spending 6 hours in a van with 10 teen girls.. I am truly saddened and worried about the future... I know.. Im not making alot of sense... long emotional day.. Im sure YOU can relate!
Hang in there girl....