Monday, June 2, 2008


I really do enjoy Monday mornings....sounds very weird, I know...especially since I look forward to the weekends so much....that's probably because I get to see my hubby a bit more than during the week..(that all started when we were going together..he lived so far away that we could only see each other on the I was always looking forward to the weekends and I find that I still do!)
Unless I've foolishly booked an appointment, Mondays are like the calm after the storm....Sundays are very noisy and boisterous at our house......I love it when all my family comes home....yesterday was no mother-in-law, who hasn't seen her new great grandbaby yet..called to see if we were at home and if the baby was here (which, of course she was) before she drove the 1-1/2 hours from her place to ours.....then second oldest daughter had already been texting with son-in-law to see what is for she called to see if there was room for two more.....I quickly dispatched hubby to the store to buy more potatoes and I told the master carver (my son-in-law) to pray, before he carved, over the roast, I had hurredly put into the slow cooker that morning before I left for church) so that there would be enough to go around for everyone.........Fourteen of us sat around the table while Honour and then Verity said grace....Jairus usually takes his turn but was being cantankerous and refused this time....good times, good food (so they said), and good conversation (although Lauren thought too much at times!), that brings us to Monday mornings.......quiet....very quiet.....I don't even have music on......there's something comforting about the's a time of regrouping, of having your thoughts lining up in your head, in order.........calm.........

Ya, Monday mornings are a good thing, as Martha says........


Amy said...

Thank you for stopping by my place. And thank you for sharing about your friend.

I will definitely keep this dear family in my prayers. I cannot even imagine what they must be going through right now. But I do know God's plan is perfect and His hand is in it for the good.

Not sure how you found me, but it is nice to "meet" you. I need to come back and get to know you sometime. Right now we are headed home for the night.

Thank you again for letting me know. One great thing about Blogville is we can spread prayer requests and oh how I believe in the power of prayer!

tea time and roses said...

Thank you so very much for your visit and sweet comment on our brand new bundle of joy! Your lovely post said it all for Mondays...and you are so right, it is a good thing! Have a beautiful rest of the week!

