Friday, August 15, 2008

Letting Go...

My parents are getting old....and just WHEN did this happen???? Yesterday, I sat in on a meeting with my mom and dad, my brother and his wife, and a case manager from one of the social agencies that will strive to help my parents stay in their home, independently as long as possible. I will admit to being fairly nervous about this see, my older sister usually looks after these things, older sister with the logical, thinking on the spot, 'A' personality.....ya, that's the one......but she is in Ireland right now for a nice holiday, so there I was, trying to fill her shoes and feeling totally inadequate!
The case worker was there to do an assesment on my mom and dad to pinpoint their, that isn't too difficult for my dad...diabetic, renal failure, ulcerated colitus, recently had a mild heart attack.....but, for my mom...we realized that mom has never been hospitalized, except for giving birth...she's not sick, she has a sore back from a fall at Easter but not sick.....but mom has the OTHER's a scary thing,'s unsettling to see the woman who was so strong and capable all those years, becoming forgetful and easily confused. The case worker told me in private that mom should never drive again...that her car keyes should be taken from her....that she's dangerous on the road.....I'm not quite sure how she's going to take that......she's Irish, you see....she can get her dander up pretty quickly if she has too....

Where did the time go....and I know they can't live forever but I'm not sure if I'm ready for all this right now....I've still got a lot of things going on with my kids and my grandkids...and...and.....I'm not ready for my mom and dad not to be here do you prepare yourself to let go.....

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