Monday, November 30, 2009

A Week in the Life of....

Well, it's Monday morning and hubby has left me!....for the week....he's off to California..til Friday.....that's Friday people!!!!! Just me and my darling teens....who, when I turn my back try to kill each other at a moments notice....if any that read this are praying people I'd appreciate it this week! Hubby assures me that he really doesn't want to's work you know....right....just as we head into the coldest far we've got away with light coats and jackets but this week we'll have to break out the warm woollies they say!

Baby Wett has decided that he needs a little encouragement to make his son and daughter-in-law are headed to the hospital today for a series of induction applications...slow process to be sure....I think he just decided that he didn't want to be clumped in with all the eight November family birthdays and be born in December! There's only two in December plus Christmas!

Today is also the day that army son leaves the army for good...he's already moved a lot of his stuff home and later on this morning will say his final good bye to army life and squeeze the rest of his paraphernalia into our little abode. He has big plans that include, hopefully, becoming a police officer......hubby and I only want him to be happy, hopefully everything will go as he wants.

So, it should be an interesting week...can't say, except for meeting baby Wett finally, that I'm really looking forward to's a heavy load when hubby's not here to share it. I'll let you know how it goes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good luck with the week!