Friday, February 6, 2009

A Day Off......thankyou Jesus!

Good Morning Company Ladies! Another Friday has come...yea! My Day Off !!!!!!! Ya, I know...moms don't get a day off.....but frankly if I don't at least have this day planned in my brain to hang onto at times during the week...I wouldn't get through the week! Even though there are last Friday.....that the day off doesn't actually happen! I never did get any of the things done this week that were suggested to do to get points off!!!!!!! Praise the Lord, people, and an Hallelujah! ....and furthermore,'s been two whole days....and it's still clean! Yes! If you don't know why this is such a big deal than you must read the previous post.....I will admit that just looking at the cleaned off and spacious dresser does bring on orderly thoughts in my brain....amazing! Plus.....if our plane to Houston next week, just happens to run into a flock of Geese....well, at least my kids wont be stuck with cleaning off the dresser.....ya know what I mean.....of course......there' s still the basement desk........well, at least it'll give them something to yell about..wont it! :0)

As for my day plan is to get my hair long last, so it doesn't resemble a shaggy mop anymore...than drive to a little tea shop to meet my mom and my sister for 'tea'. Hopefully, I'll gets some craft shopping for the V.B.S. that eldest daughter and I are doing during March Break done also.......and still get home in time for youngest daughter, who is at her ~ "one day per week at school that she has to go to to stay on the register so they can get her into a special class in September at the local highschool day"....when she walks in the door at 2:30pm! So...I'd better get on with my day....have a great weekend everyone!


Rachel Anne said...

I wound up with an unexpected day off...couldn't meet with my mural client and I'm unable to do anything until we discuss what happens next. So I got to enjoy the day with my daughter and plan a birthday party (waaaaay late) for my son.

Great job on the dresser. I think about things like that too: if I were to die, would my poor children have to go through my closet and junk drawers? A depressing thought. But I got my dresser and nightstand cleared off this week and YES! I does feel wonderful. So what if you didn't get any other small things done! Enjoy each success.

Hope your haircut looks fabulous...that's a great way to get today's points! :)

Anonymous said...

Sometimes it's the little things like a clean dresser that makes the day easier. =p Have fun with the VBS crafts.

Victoria said...

Thanks for stopping by mine & my sisters blog!

I can sooooo relate to your dresser post. I am one of 6 kids and I shared a room with 2 of my sisters. One was exceptionally neat and me, well lets just say I thought everyone had piles of clothes on their bed that they pushed to the bottom each night. ;) Anyway, I still struggle with keeping surfaces clean. Counter tops, desks, dressers, night stands, etc. I cleaned my night stand off per the Small Thing Thurs and then was like "what do I do with all this stuff now". :)

Hope you had a great day off and enjoyed your haircut. They are such a pick me up to me.