Monday, October 27, 2008

Miranderings (again)

It's the start of a new week......and I'm afraid it feels tedious already. Homeschooling Megan was difficult today...because of her intellectual delays, some days are good and some days are very frustrating. We went to quilt class and because I ended up helping her a lot of the time, I got very little done on my quilt....I'm very disappointed because I had hoped to have the grandgirls quilts done by Christmas but it isn't going to happen. Then after school Maya had a basketball game which they were tying with the other team until the last quarter and then the other team shot ahead. Then my hubby called on the way to his teaching class from his day job and I was making Kraft dinner for supper...Kraft dinner!!! We eat so well when hubby doesn't come home!

Maybe it's fall...which okay, contrary to popular blogging community opinion, is not my favourite season...oh, I love the colours but it stops there...I dislike seeing everything dying, the trees going bare...and fall is the precursor to winter...which...well...the only good thing for me about winter is that Christmas is in there. I love Christmas! Once winter sets in I seem to just endure til I sound old or what!!!

I spoke with a good friend of mine who is hurting terribly right now...her teenage daughter doesn't agree with her and has left home. My friend, who just became a widow last January is devastated. Maybe, those of you who take things to the Lord could remember my friend in your prayers.

On a good note, hubby and I got more of the basement cleaned and sorted on Saturday...and.....second eldest daughter decided to give us an early Christmas present and is redecorating the downstairs bathroom! I should have taken some before pictures so I could do the before and after but daughter did point out that it was quite disgusting so maybe you wouldn't want to see it anyways. It's only disgusting because I've left it the responsibility of the teenagers that live downstairs to clean it and they never did so.....well, maybe never is a little about not very often....anyways you get the idea......I took the attitude that it's like their bedrooms...I just keep walking on by and when they finally move out I'll gut the vacated room and start over! Sounds like a plan to me!..I'm too old to is too short.....I want to still be alive when retirement comes along to enjoy it...and so on!

So that's the start of the week...although we are suppose to go up north and visit our friends on Friday...the ones that we were suppose to see last month but hubby became ill and we couldn't make the trek. Plus Saturday is the first day of November...and Hallowe'en will be done ! I know, I sound like a party fall enjoyment, no nagging the kids,...I'm just in one of those moods...but....I always look forward to waking up the morning after Hallowe'en because it's like a bright fresh morning....I know,....I've seen the blogs...everyone loves Hallowe'en, all the decorations and parties.....sorry, I'm just glad when it's done. In fact, my kids know me, they know that mom 'doesn't do' Hallowe'en! Don't worry...I really do like all the other festivities! Okay, okay...I'm weird.....

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