Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Sure Thing.....

The sure things in life...what are they?

As I sit in my bed this morning, my lap top on my lap (what a concept)....the house is quiet, hubby and son have left for work..teens are still sleeping, doggies are still dozing.....I think about this question..... these days of so much unrest in the world, so many things that give you pause, that even give you angst......

...what am I sure of....I think I'm sure of some the love of my husband, of my parents, of my children (except when they're teens!), of my grandchildren.....but when you think of it.....that all can change....after all, we are human...we make poor choices....we choose to fall in or out of love, children and grandchildren will disappoint, parents and grandchildren disappoint, people that we never really thought would leave us, do....the human frailties come glaring into our faces, into our lives.....

...we make plans for our lives, fumbling, fragile plans that we believe are strong and sure but are really as fragile as that white dandelion spent flower that we blow in the wind....., just in case you are, some terrible thing has not befallen me...nothing more than kids are still hurting, are still struggling....that's what really brings a mom's heart down ,doesn't want to fix everything...just as you did when they were little with a bandaid and a hug...a little push out the door with the words 'you'll be okay...just go and play'....

but...they're all grown up...have made their choices ...some good...some not so good......sometimes you say something...sometimes you don't.....sometimes you're there to pick up the pieces and sometimes ...well, sometimes it's just not enough....because, no matter how much you love them..each and every one of's still not a sure thing, is it? We'd like to think so but, isn't. It's not enough.

I've been reminded of a song the last few's really not even a's just a few lines repeated, over and over and over again.....and this is what I am sure of.....without a matter what I do or I don't do...whether I've done something bad in my life or good, whether I walk away or stay.......

Jesus' blood never fails me yet, never fails me yet, never fails me yet,
this one thing I know,
for he loves me so.......

it's the only sure thing...really, honestly, truly.....for it's the blood that gives us strength from day to day, soothes my doubts and calms my fears....when all the humans in your life let you down, don't quite come through when you need them, when life is not going according to our timetable, the way we'd like it to.......this is the only sure thing....because He loves me so.


Diane said...

Amen, sweet sister. We can be sure of the One who is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. Nothing else is sure.

((Hugs)) for your heart for your kids, and prayers that they will let themselves be guided by God, rather than led by the world.

One More Equals Four said...

So very grateful for that blood of Jesus! How do people make it through this life without that hope? Hope you find some peace in the midst of the storms this weekend! Blessings, friend!

Ashley Pichea [] said...

I love this thought - the only SURE thing in life is God's love and grace. All the rest in temporary and can change in a moment. He alone is eternal! Thanks for the reminder this morning - keeping my eyes on Jesus...

Unknown said...

Reading this makes me realize how *easy* having little ones really is. My girls are 6 & 4, but who knows what kinds of trials and tribulations they will encounter when they are tweens and teens? A bandaid fixes so much right now. Good thing there is Jesus!

Anonymous said...

Great thoughts! I'm so glad that He is the one surest "sure thing" that we can count on. His love never changes, His love never fails.

Stephenie said...

So true. What hope we have as a anchor.

Lea @ CiCis Corner said...

What a wonderful entry and what a great reminder to all of us. You are so right, HE is the only "sure thing" in our lives. His love is ever constant and He is always there. What more could we possibly want. What blessed assurance! Happy week-end!