Friday, July 22, 2011


Good Afternoon Company Girls!!

My goodness...where to's been so long since I posted my blog that it's hard to know just what to talk about!

Well, we're well into summer aren't we....temperatures in southern Ontario have been stifling. Yesterday it was over 40 degrees Celsius...which is over 100...very hot....and you all thought Canada is a cold country!

Three weeks ago we went up to the trailer for a couple of weeks....the first week it was just Don and I and the kids ..that was a trial since Emma didn't behave herself....we even had a set of parents come to us to 'gently inform' us of her inappropriate behaviour. They meant well, and were understanding about it was still hard to take. The second week we had daughter-in-law Jennifer and grandson William come and was wonderful tp get to know our grandson better but it certainly was different having a 19 month old running around all the time...nana and papa got a workout for sure!

The third week I was suppose to stay up there, by myself with the three kids, for the week...but after the stunts Emma pulled the first week, her non cooperation the second week...I preferred not to handle the third week on my own, so I came home.

Now, we are awaiting the birth of grandson number four...William's little brother due on August the third. Jenn's mom will probably stay a few days then the plan is for me to go up for some time, to help out.

This Sunday is Megan's 16th say that she's excited is an understatement! She's asked me at least five times in the last week and a few times the week before 'when are you getting my cake' exasperation I replied...'Megan, in all the birthdays that you've had here have I ever forgotten your birthday cake?' "No'....'well, then I think you can count on me getting one this time!' Jenn suggested that the next time she brings it up I should write it on a piece of paper and when she wants to ask the question just tell her to look at the paper! I thought it was a great idea!

Next week Ben is having some minor surgery and then the following week, the same day that grandbaby is due, Megan is supposed to get her braces off...cue the Hallelujah chorus!!!

Son Paul, who you may remember rejoined the Canadian Army....has been down in another province, New Brunswick, doing some more training..this time in artillery (before it was infantry)...girlfriend Sara, who's in daily contact with him, says he's doing great and enjoying himself. He's supposed to graduate on August the 12th, I believe....I really wish I had the extra funds to go and see him graduate...I've been at the last two but this one is kind of out of our price range this time...over $500 for the flight and then you have the hotel and food costs....and perhaps car rental.....probably closed to $1000 by the time you're done....oi vey....why does everything have to cost so much.....

What happened to summer holidays being the days of slow and easy? I much preferred those the days just seem to be chomping at the bit to run on to September!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Maybe that's not such a bad least the kids are back to school! :0)


Katharine said...

Yes! Hot hot hot here! Sounds like you've been busy! How fun to await the arrival of a new little one. It seems the older I get, the faster time flies...I remember when I was little thinking that Summer felt like half a year! Now it feels like Sept. may very well be just around the corner!
Have a wonderful weekend!

Anonymous said...

Good to see you again! 40C is ridiculously hot for up there, though we Texans have had similar temps for weeks on end. I hope you'll post photos of the new little one.

Anonymous said...

You're right, where did the lazy summer days go? We actually didn't plan too much this summer, but a birthday party here, a wedding all adds up. I guess I can't complain too much about our weather, except that it is not consistent. Congratulations on the grandson on the way. We are planning our first family trip. It is a short one but we have spent a lot already and haven't even taken into account food and visiting places there yet. But it'll be fun. =) Enjoy the rest of your weekend, Marie!