Sunday, September 28, 2008

A Great Lady

Today we had a rare Sunday 'off' from our commitments at the church so we decided to drive a couple of hours to visit my mother-in-law. This coming Friday is her 82nd birthday and we brought a birthday cake with us to help celebrate the occasion. Bessie has always been a wonderful mother-in-law and I admire her tremendously. When I came on the scene way back in 1970 she seemed totally accepting of me which is something considering her son was only 16 at the time! For the last 21 years Bessie has been on her own, her husband died of cancer and I have truly been amazed over some of the things she has flying to Australia by herself...not once but twice! driving across Canada all by herself and last year she decided to sell her family home that she's been in for the last 40 some odd years and move into an about your downsizing! Yes, she's a great lady!
Happy Birthday, Bess! I hope you have many more!

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