Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Maya's Sports(wo)manship!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
A Great Lady
Happy Birthday, Bess! I hope you have many more!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Monday, September 22, 2008
Family Birthdays and such.....
The picture below is one of me holding Lauren's cake...she is 22 years old today and beside her is her boyfriend Ryan, who was 26 yesterday. I was very glad that daughter Maya was eager to help make all three cakes the night before...everyone always prefers homemade...even if it's from a mix!
After the candle blowing.....Honour wasn't pleased that she didn't get to blow out many candles! The wanted us to relight them!
After all the birthday stuff the girls decided on a bath in nana and papa's tub....first little Afton...... and then Honour and Verity talked Auntie Maya into putting some soap in the water and then turning on the air bubbles....and voila...winter wonderland in the tub.....!!!!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Maybe a good thing...
All in all, it was a pretty good day. If I decide to do this I can see some positive benefits.....in a large family there isn't a lot of one on one time, unless you're driving one child to an activity or doctor/dentist appointment...so this would definitely give me some one on one with my youngest before she goes off to high school, a year and a half from now. It could be a good thing.
Friday, September 12, 2008
The Donnybrook
Both of Ben's appointments went quite well, and as we were leaving them I called home and asked middle daughter to make some pancakes for supper, which she was delighted to do...she loves to cook. When we arrived home, eldest daughter met me with a whole paper list of the accounting's of what went on while I was gone. Apparently, eldest daughter decided to become the parent and told youngest daughter to do her chore (which is something because eldest daughter never does her chore!)...so this was mistake #1!
Mistake #2 occurred after youngest daughter begrudgingly did as she was told(they all have this thing about telling each other what they should be doing but each one resents the other one telling them what to do..'your not my parent!' is a familiar refrain around this house.....While youngest one was doing the chore, middle one decided to tell her that her jeans were dirty....well, youngest one took exception to that and replied with some rude words. Then oldest one had to get into it by singing a little ditty that involved the fact that youngest was being rude.
So, youngest left the kitchen and went to her room to wait until a better time to unload the dishwasher, which was her chore.
Mistake #3.......youngest had her radio playing in her room and middle one decided...'hey, I like that song'...and into youngest room she went to dance the song away.....youngest yelled..'get out of my room'...middle one said 'wait, I just want to listen to the song'...
Mistake #4....youngest one decided to forcibly remove middle one from the room...which is quite a feat since middle one is about 50 lbs. heavier than youngest one.......a lot of pushing and shoving occurred
Mistake #5......youngest one grabbed the shirt of middle one and did significant damage, ripping the shoulder of the top completely apart...
Mistake #6.....middle one decided to punch younger one....in the forehead...after she removed younger ones glasses......
Mistake #7....younger one foolishly said ..'that didn't hurt'
Mistake #8....middle one....hit her again!!!....just to prove her point that it really did hurt.....
Result of all this donnybrook?........two girls that have lost some privileges for awhile...and youngest child staying home from school today....I really didn't think it would go over too well with school authorities as to why youngest one still has a goose egg on her forehead this morning...I'm afraid I'm old enough that I really don't want to put up with the questioning. Plus youngest one has the habit of really playing up the 'poor little me' card along with ready made tears to garner up as much sympathy and attention as possible...didn't want to go there either....so, it's just her and me this morning before the grandkids arrive this afternoon to be babysat....maybe this could be a trial run at the homeschooling, which I'm considering for the youngest one.........
The biggest problem is....I seem to remember a little conflict...okay, a down and out cat fight between my older sister and I when we were left alone...and I seem to remember her blouse getting ripped too...hmmmm......the only good thing in remembering that is that we're good friends now....so maybe there's hope....not!!!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
A Soldier named Paul
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Pomp and Circumstance
A few weeks ago I was looking on line at a favourite artist of mine, her name is Tricia Romance and when I went to her site the most beautiful piece of music was playing....I immediately asked my hubby what the piece was and he didn't know...so I called eldest daughter, the music major and played it for her...she said that she was pretty sure that it was Nimrod by Elgar....and she was right...so, last week I went to the local mall and picked up at cd of Elgar's works.....did you know he composed Pomp and Circumstance,..you know, that piece they always play at graduations? Well, this morning I was driving into the dentist....stupid back tooth broke..again...and the P & C piece came on (I was playing the cd).....all of a sudden I flashed back to when I was 18 and graduating from high school. At that time my hubby and I had only been dating for a couple of months and he lived about an hour and a half from me so we didn't see each other very often. Well, the very weekend I was suppose to graduate, I had the opportunity to go and see the newest love of my life so....well, can you guess....I decided to go and see him and not go to my graduation. For some reason, when I listened to P&C this morning..even though I've heard it many times since at all my childrens' grads....I've never once before flashed back to my own...but today I did. I must admit to feeling quite sad.....I was very foolish in the decision I made and I just wished that my parents had insisted that I go...but they didn't.
It makes me realize that the times that I know my kids, even when they're older and I usually give them a choice when they get older...that maybe there are still some situations that you should still assert your parental authority ...and then maybe ...hopefully....40 years later that they wont wish that someone had insisted that they not turn their back on such an important milestone.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
A New Year.....
These are our four youngest that still live at home. The boy at the back is Ben, 17, and the girl in the black shirt is Maya, 16, the other girl beside her is Emma, 14 and the one in front, in the purple shirt is Megan, 13.
The three oldest went off to highschool and the youngest is in grade 7, in the local elementary school. They were all looking forward to going although Maya was awake half the night because she was so anxious and Emma spent the evening before doing a dry run of her hair style and makeup! The other two were just excited to go...I had to stop Megan when she started running down the road to school after the picture was taken !
After a long quiet day they all returned, filled with all their different news of the day.....and so another year has started.....right now all the teachers are great, friends are wonderful and life is terrific.....wait til the end of the week!